Unofficial Court Report for Balfar's Challenge
Their Royal Majesties King Omega V and Queen Etheldreda IV held Court Balfar’s Challenge, in the Barony of Dragonship Haven on April 18. The Gazette thanks Reporting Herald and Eastern Crown Herald, Baron Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen, for providing the following list of business conducted.
1. Peter the Red QAE
2. Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch QAE
3. Alec Craig QAE
4. Asher de Lincolia QAE
5. David of Quintavia QAE
6. Thomas of Carolingia QAE
7. Arlyana van Wyck QAE
8. Astrid Elfvensdottir QAE
9. Clarice d’Allaines le Comte AoA C & I – Heather Rose DeGordon
10. Bronwen rose of Grayling, known as B’Rose Writ for Laurel C & I Henna Sinclair
11. Isabeau du Valle Court Barony with Grant C & I – Mikel Almond de
12. Auriana Filia Germani Writ for Pelican C & I Jonathon Blackston W – Nest Verch Tangwistel
13. Sara di Salaparuta AOA C – Nest Verch Tangwistel I Angelo the Bookmaker
14. Michel Almond de Champagne Augmentation of Arms C & I – Nest Verch Tangwistel
NOTE: Further reports to follow, many will not have photographs.