History on Display at the SCA 50 Year Celebration
The Æthelmearc Gazette has posted an article with many photos from the history deisplay at the SCA 50 Year Celebration. The article can be found at their website here.
East Kingdom Gazette
Covering the Eastern Realm of the SCA
The Æthelmearc Gazette has posted an article with many photos from the history deisplay at the SCA 50 Year Celebration. The article can be found at their website here.
Attention, Talented Artisans of the Society for Creative Anachronism In the Society for Creative Anachronism, we are a collective of volunteers, each serving in their own way at one point or another so that all may have a chance to play, enjoy, learn and have fun. It is on this mantra that the SCA has …
The Midrealm Gazette has posted an article with a listing of the merchants that will be at the SCA 50th Year Celebration in June. A number of regular Pennsic merchants will be there, as will many merchants those from the East who haven’t traveled to western wars and events may not have seen before, so …
The AEthelmearc Gazette has posted information on SCA 50th year Celebration activities, including an opportunity for homebrewers, a persona competition, and a call for performing arts teachers and teachers for youth classes. You can read the article here – http://aethelmearcgazette.com/2016/03/14/sca-50th-year-help-needed/
This article was originally posted at the Midrealm Gazette and is reprinted here in full. Singers, storytellers, bards and buskers: Want to perform at 50 Year? Please fill out this Google Form: Click here to submit your application to perform on the outdoor stage, tavern, busking area, or indoor stage. Please note: the application is NOT required …
Greetings to the mighty Kingdom of the East from Master Frasier MacLeod, Kingdom Rapier Marshal, The SCA’s 50th Year Celebration is rapidly approaching, and there is much to be done! I have been asked by Master Robert MacPharland, coordinator of Rapier Activities at 50 Year if the East is planning on sponsoring …
Time’s running out if you want to be a merchant at the SCA’s 50 Anniversary Celebration. Applications must be mailed, and must be POSTMARKED no later than December 15, 2015. Please follow the directions included in the application packet. The Merchant Coordinator’s address is included on the last page of the application. This link will …
Dueña Mercedes Vera de Calafia, Kingdom Seneschal, has announced that the SCA 50th Year Celebration Coordinator for the East Kingdom is Countess Marguerite ingen Lachlainn. Countess Marguerite is already “on the job” and shares the following missive: I am in the process of assembling a team of people who would like to help put the …
Dueña Mercedes Vera de Calafia, East Kingdom Seneschal, is looking for someone to head up the East Kingdom Display at the 50th Year Anniversary celebration. This should be someone who has an interest in the pageantry and history of the East, as well as the ability to work with a multi-kingdom group to make the …
The SCA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary at the SCA 50 Year Celebration in central Indiana the summer of 2016. The event stewards for this momentous event are seeking assistance from all corners of the Society and have invited the populace to apply for the following openings on the event staff. Historic Display Chair …