Polling Deadline Tonight
The deadline to answer the first order polling of Ivan and Matilde is today. Polls close at 11:59 pm.
East Kingdom Gazette
Covering the Eastern Realm of the SCA
The deadline to answer the first order polling of Ivan and Matilde is today. Polls close at 11:59 pm.
– Rowen Cloteworthy reporting Pennsic XLVI – August, 2017 __Friday, August 4, 2017__ Elias Gedney – Pelican – C&I: Eloise of Coulter __Saturday, August 5, 2017__ Magdalena Lantfarerin – Silver Brooch – C&I: Kay Leigh Mac Whyte Godric of Hamtun – Presentation of archery equipment to Her Majesty Samuel Peter Bump – Vigil for Pelican __Sunday, August 6, 2017__ Quintus Lucius Fortunatus …
The Society for Creative Anachronism is seeking candidates for the position of Society Minister of Arts and Sciences (MOAS), which is a warranted 3-year term of service. The Minister of Arts and Sciences is the officer responsible for reporting on the artistic programs of the SCA, fostering the study of medieval culture and technology, and …
Greetings from Mael Eoin mac Echuid, Interim EK Webminister The webministry has had a report of a phishing attempt on a Kingdom officer this week, and figured it’d be a good time to remind all those who have an East Kingdom email address of the following: No one in the East Kingdom Webministry will ever …
Another Pennsic War has come and gone, and now it’s time for the artisans of the East to focus on just one thing: entries for Artifacts of a Life! Artifacts of a Life III will be held in the Barony Beyond the Mountain (New Britain, CT) on September 30, 2017. Artifacts is a different sort …
The Gazette thanks the King’s Champion of Arts and Sciences, Lady Raziya bint Rusa, for this report. The East Kingdom’s team of artisans displayed a wide array of fabulous skills at the Pennsic 46 Arts and Sciences War Point. Below, we are pleased to provide some highlights of their work. The reference document was a …
The Gazette thanks Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood for the following report. The Midrealm-East-Ealdormere side has taken all 3 populace war points in Archery! Each of the three traditional shoots — presented with a Norse theme this year — was worth one war point. Archers could shoot each one up to five times during the War. …
Today’s Armored Combat battle ended in a tie. The Arts & Sciences war point was awarded to the East/Mid.
The EK-Mid won the final Rapier War point, taking the Strongholds Battle three minutes faster than the Aethlemarc Alliance. EK-Mid Rapier Army won 13 of the 14 possible war points this year.
The Gazette thanks Serafina Della Torre for the following report on the Thrown Weapons War Point. On the last Thursday of Pennsic War 46, throwers and royalty from around the Known World assembled to compete for the Pennsic Thrown Weapons Champions War Point in a tournament designed by Marshal in Charge, Altan of the Moritu. …