Vivat to the New Prince and Princess of the East!
The heirs to the Eastern thrones, Duke Brennan mac Fearghus and Duchess Caoilfhionn inghean Fhaolain, are crowned by Tsar Ivan and Tsaritsa Matilde.
East Kingdom Gazette
Covering the Eastern Realm of the SCA
The heirs to the Eastern thrones, Duke Brennan mac Fearghus and Duchess Caoilfhionn inghean Fhaolain, are crowned by Tsar Ivan and Tsaritsa Matilde.
The Gazette apologizes for initially incorrectly listing the semi-finalists earlier today. Also, the name of Sir Matthew D’Arden may be unfamiliar to some. He has been known until recently as Sir Matthew Moreaveous Avenmork. The correct list should have been as follows. Thus far undefeated: Duke Brennan mac Fearghus fighting for Duchess Caoilfhionn inghean Fhaolain …
Please be advised that commentary on the captioned matters will be accepted until January 15, 2018. Many thanks to Steve Herring who caught the mistake! Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to: SCA Inc. Box 360789 Milpitas, CA 95036 You may also email
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the addition of Richard Le Mons (Seigneur Etienne Le Mons d’Anjou) to the Society Officer Staff. Richard has accepted the position of Society Minister of Arts and Sciences. He will be taking over the job from Erik Contreraz, (Master Raven Mayne, OL), who was kind enough to …
Via the SCA, Inc. announcements mailing list Currently open for commentary is a proposal for changes to the By-Laws and Corporate Policies for the Society for Creative Anachronism. The reasons for the suggested changes are to clarify confusing language, eliminate antiquated terms, and to correct grammar errors. Due to the number of corrections requested, the …
Greetings to the Populace of the Kingdom of the East from the Office of the Webministry! There have been, over the last 9 months or so, various references made to “Google for Non-Profits” in a variety of places. If you haven’t seen them, that’s fine, but if you have it has been awfully vague. It …
En français Attention Combatants and Consorts for Crown Tourney: The dayboard cooks will be preparing boxed lunches for all entrants, to be distributed separately from the general service so they may focus on the list while still getting a hearty lunch. A handful of you have emailed me to let me know of food allergies …
En français Greetings all, K&Q Arts and Sciences championship is approaching rapidly, and that means it’s time to find judges! If you are interested in helping judge this illustrious competition, please fill out our judge registration form here. Judging is open to anyone who feels reasonably experienced in an art and as a judge. You …
Those desiring to preregister for Yule Revel in Renaissance Germany can be preregistered online by completing the survey here then paying the EK PayPal invoice (which will be generated within 24 hours). Event announcement can be found here. Additionally, our dayboard cook has sent us her menu pasted below. (Remember to contact the cooks for …
The Society College of Arms runs on monthly cycles and letters. Each month, the College processes name and armory submissions from all of the Kingdoms. Final decisions on submissions are made at the monthly meetings of the Pelican Queen of Arms (names) and the Wreath Queen of Arms (armory). Pelican and Wreath then write up …