Why are the Laurels and Pelicans Fighting?
The Laurels vs. Pelicans will be fighting in a boffer melee to raise money for the Pennsic War Chest. The War Chest supports Pennsic related expenses associated with the Royalty such as the Known World Party (which will happen after opening ceremonies), the Royalty dinner and the Queen’s Tea. Rumor is that the Known World Party is something the populace will not want to miss this year.
More pelicans have joined. Despontissa Margarita Kofinopoia, the Scourge of Somethingorother, hopes to take the field with a broom; Maestro Dorio of the Oaks, The Peaceful Negotiator, wants a Feather of Doom; and Master Ulric von der Insel is fundraising for a Giant Spoon. The Laurels gained Mistress Eva Woderose, The Killigrapher.
The most senior peer in the melees, Master Leiftameon, added a specialty weapon of juggling clubs. He received his Laurel thirty-three years ago. If he makes the $100 level, the weapon makers will make clubs balance them so he can juggle them on the field.
Mistress Mirabel has already raised enough money to get a sheep, Mistress Dzioginte gets a shovel and Master Edward will have Cuddles, the Giant Scorpion of Doom. Other peers are still in need of some fun weapons that the crowd will love. You can see who you might want to support – and help support some Pennsic fun at www.laurelsvspelicans.com.