Pennsic Archery Day 2

Today was the second day of Populace Archery War Points.
Here are today’s results:
Monday - Aug.8 Total to-date East Middle East Middle Clout - Points 231 780 676 1200 - Archers 39 116 99 188 Soldier - Points 559 712 1225 1022 - Archers 89 102 138 126 Window - Points 488 506 761 791 - Archers 140 136 189 179

And per the Pennsic Independent:
“In case you missed the alliances made, Trimaris, Drachenwald, AEthelmearc, Northshield’s Heavy Fighters, Outlands, and Calontir are all fighting alongside the Midrealm.”
“Ansteorra, An Tir, The West, Caid, Avacal, Northshield’s Rapier fighters, Ealdormere, Artemisia, Atlantia, Lochac, and Meridies are all fighting alongside The East, as are the Dark Horde and the Tuchux.”
Reported by Baroness Ygraine of Kellswood
Photos by Baron Mikjall Bogmadr