Covid Policy Details and Mask Clarification from the Kingdom Marshal for Armored Combat

A message from the Kingdom Marshal for Armored Combat, Sir Cedric of Armorica
General policy information:
This post will go into some details regarding the new policy issued by the Board of Directors last week, which allows each kingdom to decide if they wish to require that participants at any official SCA events, including practices, have to provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test. As I am sure you are all aware, the East kingdom has decided to implement this policy and it goes into effect this Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
Here is link to the policy resolution on the official SCA website.
I am going to follow this up with the link to the regularly updated Frequently Asked Questions page about the policy.
The final link is to the Workflow document provided by the Kingdom Seneschal’s office on how to implement the new policy at your local events and practices.
Please feel to reach out if you have any questions. If I do not know the answers, I will do my best to get them for you.
Mask policy clarification for fighters and fencers:
This is to clarify the current Kingdom mask mandate. It is located on the EK website at the following link:
The one update on this that I have confirmed with the Their Majesties and the Kingdom Seneschal is that the exception listed regarding masks not being required under a helm when actively fighting is only true if the fighting is taking place outside. If you are fighting inside, masks must be worn when actively fighting.
Please see this message I received from the Kingdom Seneschal regarding this clarification.
From the Kingdom Seneschal:
“Rattan and rapier fighters of the East, I apologize for confusion. Sir Cedric accurately states Kingdom policy here, and in his past several updates. I had a blind spot in my own phrasing of policy recently.
Times are challenging enough without the extra hurdle of conflicting statements. I’m sorry, and will add an additional review to avoid this going forward.
In service to the Kingdom,
As always, feel free to reach out if you any questions.
In service,
Sir Cedric of Armorica
Kingdom Marshal for Armored Combat