On-line Arts and Sciences Classes for the Week of 7/20/2020

Read on to learn more about the online A&S classes being offered this week:
Monday, July 20: Beginning Recorder with Erlan (session 2). 7:00 pm EDT. Instructor: Pia Maletesta d’Rimini. This online class is designed to give you basic recorder skills, including how to articulate sounds, fingering and following simple melodies. Each week we will do a little more!! You’ll need a recorder – any kind will do. You’ll also need paper for notes!! Practice material will be uploaded after each session. Ages 12 and up. Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/qnc-
Thank you to everyone who has offered to teach online. We are always adding new classes to our schedule, the complete version of which can be found here: https://moas.eastkingdom.org/
If you have a class you would like to share, or if you have any questions about teaching online, please reach out to me at moas.education@eastkingdom.org
In service,
Mariette de Bretagne
Deputy MoAS for Education