In Memoriam: Master Rhys Terafan Greydragon

On Saturday, October 6th, Alan Gravesend, Society Marshal, announced that Master Rhys Terafan Greydragon, Society Equestrian Marshal, died while riding during an equestrian game at an SCA event in the Midrealm.
Master Terafan was well known throughout the Society not only as a skilled rider and excellent teacher of medieval horsemanship, but also for his contributions to the recreation of medieval life through his work documenting and constructing medieval furniture and tents, his interest in medieval cooking, and particularly his research into brewing and his involvement with the Inter Kingdom Brewers Guild. His website,, is a well known resource where he and his household shared his knowledge freely with all who had interest.
Master Terafan had been active in the SCA for more than 30 years. He was awarded Arms by Eastern Monarchs Gavin II and Sedalia II in AS 22, when Atlantia was still part of the East. He was made a Baron of the Court in Atlantia in AS 28, and was created a Master of the Laurel by the Crown of Atlantia in AS 31. In addition, Atlantia had recognized him with the Companion of the Pearl (for excellence in Arts & Sciences), and of the Golden Dolphin (for service and leadership), and he held the King’s Award of Excellence and the Queen’s Order of Courtesy from the Atlantian crown. He was also the premier of Atlantia’s Order of the Golden Lance (a grant-level award for exceptional expertise in the equestrian arts), and was a Companion of the Nonpareil, which is awarded by the Crown of Atlantia for “those who have shown excellence, honor, courtesy or chivalry above and beyond any duty. The members of this Order exemplify what it means to be an Atlantian.”

A member of the US Military, he traveled widely and lived for a time in the Kingdom of Drachenwald. The Crown of Drachenwald inducted him into the Order of the Pelican in AS 37, and he was twice named a member of Drachenwald’s Popular Company of Sojurners. The Drachenwald Crown also recognized him with the Orden des Lindquistringes (for service), Order of the Silver Guard (for chivalry and prowess at arms), and the Order of the Panache (for arts and sciences).
Master Terafan was close to many in the East Kingdom Equestrian community, and had competed in equestrian games in the East at the Coronation of Gregor IV and Kiena II as well as organizing the Equestrian competition and jousting exhibition at East Kingdom 50 Year this past July.
“There are few times in a person’s life where you meet someone who really can ‘do it all’,” Duchess Kiena Stewart recalls. “Master Terafan was one of those individuals. And not only could he do it all, he could do most of it with a mastership level skill.
Master Terafan was a champion to many; for me recently he was a champion to the Equestrian Community. Not just because he was our Society Equestrian Officer, but because he loved this activity and he wanted to share all that was possible with as many as he could.
Every two years, he would host an event at his home. Hastilude has become a favorite event amongst Altantians, Easterners and AEthelmearcs. Each time, he had some new game up his sleeves – from Buzkashi to Daiku. And of course there was always a Joust. This past year, a testament to his perseverance and teachings, we had 10 riders in the Joust. We had to have 2 groups! He was so happy and proud at how far each and of all us had come. Our whole community has suffered a great loss and there is an empty spot where he once stood.”
Former East Kingdom Marshal of Horse Mistress Eleanor fitzPatrick shared the following remembrance of Master Terafan, “He was an amazing man and one of my personal heroes. He was an artist, a craftsman, a horseman, and the most generous person I have ever known. He was generous with his time, his knowledge, his skills and his support. His belief in me and delight when I achieved his expectations inspired me to be more than I thought I could be and I know my story is far from unique. His loss leaves a gaping hole not only in the Equestrian community but in the Society at large.”
Master Duncan Kerr, current Kingdom Equestrian Officer, adds, “Master Terafan was one of the greatest in the SCA Equestrian community. Not only was he a noble and fierce competitor, he put so much energy into teaching and traveling that I find it hard to imagine how one person could do so much. I first learned of him through the many designs of camp furniture and equipment he posted designs for, only later meeting him at Gulf Wars in the context of equestrian activities. No matter what the topic, he was always teaching and sharing how he did things – with a smile. He leaves a large hole in our Society and will be sorely missed.”
Master Terafan is survived by his wife, two daughters, his father, and two brothers, in addition to the many who knew and loved him through the SCA.
A Celebration of Life service will be held for Master Terafan at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 10, 2018, at All Saints’ Church, 14851 Gideon Drive, Woodbridge, Virginia.