A Missive From the Brigantia Principal Herald
Greetings from Ryan, Brigantia Principal Herald of the East.
First off I would like to thank Their Royal Majesties Brennan and Caoilfhionn for extending my time as Brigantia into my Fourth, and final, year. I will continue to strive to live up to the trust that Their Graces Edward and Thyra had in me when I stepped into the job, and extended my term for my third year, and the trust Their Majesties have in me now going into year four.
A big change with this final year is that Mistress Alys, who has been my Dextrochere Herald (in charge of Special Projects) for the last year and my Drop Dead deputy since I stepped up as Brigantia has chosen to step down in order to enjoy some time off. Taking over as the Dextrochere Herald, and my Drop Dead Deputy, will be Master Malcolm Bowman. Malcolm has been very interested in the ins and outs of the job of Brigantia for many years now, acting as my assistant at Pennsic for opening Ceremonies and supporting the Submissions Herald’s office for many years. I have every confidence in him.
As one of Malcolm’s first special projects will be working closely with the Regional Heralds to update the Roster of group Pursuivants. All Group Pursuivants are required to report every quarter. This report is to keep a record of not only the Herald’s, and the group’s, activity but to identify parts of the Kingdom which need heraldic assistance. A few problematic reports from Tir Mara resulted in the expansion of the staff in Tir Mara to extend our services to the Francophone portion of our Kingdom and to make it less costly to submit heraldic work from Canada. A few glowing reports identified persons who should be promoted and who were ready for more responsibility. And the LACK of reports from a region identified a very serious problem which was handled quickly, once identified.
Most importantly Pursuivant’s reports are used to satisfy East Kingdom Law, which requires groups of a certain size to have heralds. Cantons, Ridings, Colleges, Ports, Strongholds, and Shires all require, by EK Law VII.I, J & K, to have a Herald and/or Knight Marshal and/or a Minister of Arts & Sciences. Larger groups, by EK law VII.E, G, & H, are required to have a Herald. Lack of reports from groups can result in the Seneschal and/or the BoD looking closely at a group’s activity and possibly changing that group’s status.
With Malcolm overseeing the project I anticipate we can get the roster rebuilt and up to date before the next reporting due date of December 1st.
Here’s to one more year. As always, In service to the Society, Kingdom, College, and the Dream,
Ryan Brigantia