The Challenge of Sir Cedric of Armorica

Unto the people of the East,
Greetings from Sir Cedric of Armorica,
Twenty years ago during the reign of Lucan II and Jana II, I issued the following challenge on behalf of my lady, Annastrina Ruth O’Carney:
Unto all Princes, Barons, members of Chivalry, Squires, and other fighters of this, the East Kingdom, and all other Kingdoms of the Knowne World;
Know that I; Lord Cedric of Armorica; humble squire to Count Sir Kikuchi Tsurunaga, King of revered memory, do herein proclaim that my lady and love, the Lady Annastrina Ruth O’Carney, is beyond compare the fairest and sweetest lady in all Christendom. If there is any worthy cavalier who disputes this truth, or has a lady whose claim he is willing to advance; know that I stand ready to meet him in gentle and honorable debate.
All those desirous of going further into this matter with me are invited to seek out my banner emblazoned with my arms, Per chevron inverted or and azure; billety or; in chief a tankard azure.
This banner will be displayed at diverse events in the coming months; where I will vouchsafe to meet them with sword and shield, single sword, or glaive.
Let all know, in order that my intention of this proclamation may be more fully declared, I have signed these presents with my own hand, this 30th day of April, Anno Societatis 28.
During the course of the next five months I fought 100 fights against many a valiant and puissant opponent who were moved to advance their ladies fame. Among them were men who rose to become legends in our Kingdom and Society;

Konrad von Ulm,
Hanse von Drackenklaue,
Padraig Dubh Maceanroig
Alaric von Drackenklaue
Amalric Blackhart
Yngvar the Dismal
Morguhn Sheridan
Gunther Pathwarden
Richard Blackmoor
Karl von Sussen
Torvald Sigurdson
Tearloch the Profane
Ivan Ulrickson
Thorvald Halvorson
Stephen Grandchamp
At the Coronation of Gregor II and Christence II, the challenge was officially closed and there; before the assembled populace of the East; I did humbly beg the hand of Lady Annastrina in marriage.
She accepted and has been by my side ever since. She is everything to me and her love, inspiration, and support are what made me worthy of the accolade of Chivalry.
That would have been enough for me, and for any other man, but she has blessed me beyond all measure by bearing our two daughters.
It is for these reasons and others too diverse to mention, that I am again issuing this challenge again to the fighters of the Knowne World. In addition; in honor of Her Majesty Caoilfhionn taking up the rapier to aid in the defense of our fair kingdom at the 43rd Pennsic War this year; I also open this challenge to those practitioners of the art of Defense who may wish to gently debate or discuss the truth of my statements.
I stand ready to meet all who wish to accept my challenge and will hold it open for the duration of Their Majesties reign.
In service to the Dream,
Sir Cedric of Armorica