King’s And Queen’s Rapier Champions: Sweet 16
On this last Saturday in March, 80 of our kingdom’s fencers vied for the titles of King’s and Queen’s Champions of Fence. In rapier, the King’s Champion title is held by the winner of the tourney, and the Queen’s Champion is chosen by Her Majesty, for courtesy and valor throughout the tourney.
The format for today’s tourney can be found in detail on the rapier announcements site.
The first round was fought in the following manner: 2 fencing bouts per pairing. The first bout fought using offensive weapons forms (Two rapiers, 2 handed rapier, rapier and dagger) and the second bout fought using defensive weapons forms (Rapier and buckler, Rapier and cloak, or single rapier with off hand if it is the only authorized form) Double kills were refought once, with a second double kill deemed a death for both combatants. The fights were scored using the following points system:
- 4 points for winning both bouts
- 3 points for winning offensive form bout only
- 2 points for winning defensive form bout only
- 0 points for losing both bouts
The top 16 fencers advanced to a double elimination tourney using a similar format, with best out of three instead of 2. The third bout was single rapier only. Each pairing could choose which order to fight the three forms in.
Advancing to the sweet sixteen were, in order of first fight:

- Lady Sorcha Dhocair
- Lord Lucien de Wyntere
- Don Ogedei Becinjab
- Don Andre L’Epervier
- Don Orlando Sforza
- Mistress Xandra Rozina
- Lord William d’eth
- Lord Brokk Jarlson
- Lady Borujin Acilaldae
- Lord Thomas of Effingham
- Don Gryffith Davion
- Lord Melchior Kriebel
- Lord Brendan Firebow
- Baron Christopher Serpentius
- Master Thomas de Castellan
- Don Donovan Shinnock
(The Gazette is happy to update these with full names and titles, )
The Gazette thanks Raziya Bint Rusa, Martyn de Halliwell, and Tola knityr for updates and photos throughout the day.