Eastern Armies Victorious in Pennsic Field Battle
The Field Battle at the Pennsic war is among the most spectacular sights in the Society. With more than a thousand armored combatants on each side, and hundreds of spectators lining the edges of the field, it is an event that is eagerly awaited by young and old alike.
This year, the format for the Pennsic War field battle was actually a total of 5 battles, each worth one war point. The field battle is fought to the “last man standing” – that is, the battle continues until all the fighters on one side have been defeated.
Combat archery and siege engines were allowed in the fifth of the five battles. The battles were set to begin at 10 am.
The Eastern Armies, including allies, were victorious in each of the first three battles fought. Reports indicate that the East had overwhelming numbers, despite the armies of Aethelmearc, as well as the Black Talon and Tuchux households moving from the Eastern to the Midrealm side. The Midrealm armies were the victors in both battles four and five.
Other war points scheduled for today include the Rapier Champions at 1 pm, the Archery populace shoot, and the siege contest. We will bring you updates as they become available.
The East Kingdom Gazette welcomes anyone at Pennsic to send in reports and photos “from the field”. Email reports and news items to us at eastkingdomgazette@gmail.com. Please read our submission guidelines so that the editors will have everything that they need to make your news known.
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