Unofficial Court Report for Mudthaw

The Court of our most excellent prince and lord, Edward II, by grace most illustrious King of the East, and Thyra, his Queen by agency of the same grace, begun and held at the Barony of Settmour Swamp, on 23 March A.S. 47, being the feast of the Thawing of the Mud; on which day were called all and sundry the lords of the realm and the great men of the kingdom, earls, barons, freeholders and commissioners of the burghs to hear the following publicly proclaimed:
Item. Upon the field that morning, their Majesties convened their Court and summoned before them Bleiddwn Emrys and, praising his great skill at arms, inducted the said Bleiddwn into the Order of the Tygers Combatant with the acclaim of the assembled companions and memorialized in a document created by Vettorio Antonello.

Item. Don Pieter Rausch of Ansteorra approached their Majesties and begged to have words with the Queen’s Rapier Champion, Davius Sainct-Jacques, where upon the said Pieter released the said Davius from his oath as a cadet so that the said Davius could by their Majesties’ hands be elevated and inducted into the Order of the Golden Rapier, the which deed was thereupon enacted with the acclaim of the assembled companions and memorialized in a document authored and illuminated by Ian Raven of Tadcaster and calligraphed by Annys Wolf of Wharram Percy.

Item. Their Majesties then sent the worthy ladies Elizabeth Elenore Lovell and Amy Webbe each to sit vigil for the Order of the Laurel.
Item. Their Majesties accepted the fealty of Raffaella Mascolo as the new Kingdom Webminister.
Item. Their Majesties accepted the fealty of Vienna de la Mer as the new Kingdom Chatelaine.
Their Majesties’ Court was then continued in the evening of the date aforesaid, whereupon their Majesties did and caused to be done the following:
Item. Their Majesties exchanged gifts and words of good will with their Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Ealdormere, who were visiting the East Kingdom and attended upon their Majesties’ Court.

Item. Their Majesties accepted the resignation of Baron Alexander and Baroness Rhiannon of Settmour Swamp, the said Baron and Baroness bearing weary and wishing to retire from the baronial seat. In thanks for their long and faithful service, their Majesties presented Alexander MacGregor of Settmour with a stained glass created by Liesl Luder with calligraphy by Aesa Lokabrenna. Their Majesties likewise elevated Rhianon de Carreg Cennan to the status of a Baroness of their Court, the which deed was memorialized in a document authored by Alys Mackyntoich and created by Isabel Chamberlaine.

Item. Their Majesties invested Erec le Clair as the new Baron of Settmour Swamp and Jehannine de Flandres as the new Baroness of Settmour Swamp, the said Erec and the said Jehannine having been selected by the great trial of pulling the spade from the mud. Erec received a document created by Jan Janowicz Bogdanski; Jehannine received a document created by Sarra the Lymner. Whereupon, their Majesties accepted the fealty of the new Baron and Baroness of Settmour Swamp.
Item. Their Majesties caused those good gentles new to our Society to be brought before the Tyger Thrones, and did gift each with tokens of the day.

Item. Their Majesties summoned the children of the East Kingdom and shared with them toys donated by la Chambre des Dames d’Alisay and others.

Item. Their Majesties inducted Maerryn the Curious into the Order of the Tyger’s Cub.
Item. For their generosity to the Shire of Silver Rylle, their Majesties caused Todd and Samantha of Aaron’s Books to be named as Booksellers to the Crown, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Eularia Trewe.
Item. Their Majesties summoned before the Court their servant Maelgwn ap Cadwgan and awarded him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Karin Jacobsdotter.
Item. Their Majesties called Karin Jacobsdotter into the Court and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Heather Rose de Gordoun.

Item. Their Majesties summoned Sofia of Østgarðr before the thrones and awarded her Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Lada Monguligin.
Item. Their Majesties summoned Bjorvig Huldarson into the Court and awarded him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Mariette de Bretagne.
Item. Their Majesties awarded Arms to Caera Fitzpatrick, the which deed was memorialized in a document illuminated by Nyfain merch Cohel and calligraphed by Mariette de Bretagne.

Item. Their Majesties summoned before the Thrones the good gentleman Michael Corvo and delivered unto him the words of their ancestors of blessed memory Timothy and Gabrielle awarding him Arms, the which deed was memorialized in a document by Edward MacGuyver.
Item. His Majesty invested Michel Wolffauer with the King’s Esteem of Merit in recognition of his worthy labors as Kingdom Exchequer.
Item. Her Majesty appointed Edith Steyning as a Seamstress to the Crown.

Item. Their Majesties caused Lylie of Penhyll and Ignacia la Ciega to be invested with the Order of the Burdened Tyger in grateful thanks for the splendor of their Coronation celebration. Documents memorializing the occasion were created by Kayleigh McWhyte.
Item. Their Majesties also gave thanks to the following individuals who helped to create their Coronation celebration: Mistress Aife, Master Steffan, Mistress Deonna, Lady Jaquelinne, Lord Joel of Vestfell, Mistress Eleanor, Master Jaji, and Thane Athelhafoc, Lady Siobhan and their family.
Item. Their Majesties endowed Caitrina Gordon to be invested with the Order of the Burdened Tyger in grateful thanks for the 12th Night Feast.
Item. Their Majesties gave thanks to the following individuals who helped to create the splendor of the 12th Night feast: Lord Sterling de la Rosa, Lady Saikhan Saran, Lady Zhelana Tomeslavitsa, Lady Triona MacCaskey, Lady Diana Monroe, Lord Griffin of Iron Bog, and Tucker of Iron Bog.
Item. Their Majesties summoned into their presence the good lady Eleanor Callaghan and, in recognition of her many labors for the benefit of the Barony of Settmour Swamp, inducted her into the Order of the Silver Crescent with the great acclaim of the assemblage, the which deed was memorialized in a document authored by Alys Mackyntoich and calligraphed and illuminated by Anna Mickel von Salm.

Item. The Order of the Silver Crescent being as of yet incomplete, their Majesties summoned Pascual de la Mar before the Court and caused him to be inducted into the aforenamed Order for his service to the rapier community.
Item. Her Majesty called Oscad de Segovia into the royal presence and invested him with the Queen’s Order of Courtesy, the which deed was memorialized in a document calligraphed by Kayleigh McWhyte and illuminated by Magnus of Ealdormere.
Item. Her Majesty summoned Matthias Tiberius, the Weasel, into the Royal presence and endowed him with her Queen’s Honor of Distinction.
Item. Her Majesty called Lorenzo il Confuso before the Tyger Thrones and, in recognition of his work administering and maintaining records for the Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition, endowed him with her Queen’s Honor of Distinction, the which deed was memorialized in a document created by Eva Woderose.
Item. Their Majesties summoned before the Court their servant Goerijs Goriszoon and, in acknowledgement of his skills in playing the hurdy-gurdy, inducted him into the Order of the Troubador, the which deed was memorialized in a scroll authored by Theodora Bryennissa and calligraphed and illuminated by Wulfgar Silverbraid.

Item. Their Majesties called before the Court the good lady Cassandra Matis and, extolling her talents in the areas of naalbinding, cheese making, smoked meats and German style cooking, invested and endowed the said Cassandra with the Order of the Maunche, the which deed was memorialized with the gift of a carved bone drinking horn created by Freygerdr in storrada Halladottir, carved with words by Asgar Roufson.

Item. The Order of the Maunche being as yet incomplete, their Majesties summoned Lillian atte Valeye, famed for her work in illumination and doll-making, and caused her to be inducted into the aforenamed Order, the which deed was memorialized in a document illuminated by Kis Maria and calligraphed by Jonathan Blaecstan.
Item. Their Majesties called Mael Eoin mac Echuid before the Thrones and, in thanks for his worthy labors at Gulf Wars and Estrella War, invested him with the Tyger of the Foreign Legions.
Item. Their Majesties likewise endowed Breuse de Taraunt with the Tyger of the Foreign Legions.
Item. Their Majesties summoned into their presence Aethelhavok Keyfinder and Siubhan Wallace and, in thanks for their great aid and assistance in their foreign travels, invested them with the Tyger of the Foreign Legions.

Item. Their Majesties called Elizabeth Elenore Lovell to stand before the Tyger Thrones and give answer to the question put before her as to whether she would join the Order of the Laurel. Responding in the affirmative, their Majesties then took testimony from worthy Peers as to the aforenamed Elizabeth’s qualities and, finding the deed to be right, good and just, inducted the aforenamed Lady into the Order of the Laurel, with all the rights, privileges and liberties appertaining thereto, the which deed was memorialized in a document authored by Anastasia Gutane, calligraphed by Eleanor Catlyng, and illuminated by Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova.

Item. Their Majesties then summoned Amy Webbe and put again the question to her whether she would join the Order of the Laurel; and the said Amy responding affirmatively, their Majesties took testimony from worthy Peers as to the said Amy’s qualities; finding the said Amy to be noble and worthy, their Majesties thereupon inducted the said Amy into the Order aforenamed, with all rights, privileges and liberties appertaining thereto, the which deed was memorialized in a document authored by Ryan McWhyte, illuminated by Kis Maria and calligraphed by Kayleigh McWhyte.

Item. Their Majesties called Alexandre Lerot d’Avigne to stand before the Tyger Thrones and, praising his many worthy qualities, his singular good character and noteworthy virtue, found him fit and deserving to be created the sixteenth Tyger of the East. The said Alexandre was then gifted with tokens of his new status, including a document authored in Latin by Alys Mackyntoich and Galefridus Peregrinus and calligraphed by Isabel Chamberlaine.
Item. Her Highness Kiena, heir to the Tyger Throne, invited all to attend upon her at a great celebration to be held upon 6 April in Carillion.
I do hereby bear witness and upon the strength of my signature confirm that the aforesaid was done upon the date and in the place aforesaid.
Alys Mackyntoich, Vox Regis
Alexandre Lerot d’Avigne
Eularia Trewe
Ryan McWhyte
Alesone Gray of Cranlegh
Theodora Bryenissa
Donovan Shinnock
The date is wrong. Mudthaw was 23 March, A.S. 47. The event on 20 October was Shire Wars II.
Thank you!