Tir Mara University and Rattan Championship
By: Mistress Gwenhwyfar Dinas Emrys
The Tir Mara University and Rattan Championship was held October 6th in the Shire of Boise Ardent. There were six entrants in the A&S competition, ranging from slipped and painted ceramic plates, to a variety of fiber arts, garb construction, jewelry and paintings.
The new Princess’ Champion for Tir Mara is Lady Margret “Greta” Thorfinnsdottir of Ruantallan.
The new Prince’s Champion is Lady Cellach Donn inghean Mhic an Mhadaigh of l’Isle du Dragon Dormant.
In the Rattan Championship, H.E. Baron Angus McHaley of L’ile Dragon Dormant was victorious over Lord Percival Gower Esquire, from Ruantallan in a three part tourney, which included
1. a feat (definition of the entrant)
2. three fights each with the current champion and
3. Best out of three for the contenders.