Unofficial Birka Court Report
Lo there did it come to pass that Wise King Edward and Graceful Queen Þora did find themselves in the northern Marketplace of Birka upon the twenty-sixth day of the Ninth Month of Forty Seventh Year of the Society. There did Their Majesties happen upon their most noble cousins Kroutas and Brenna of far off Trimaris, who had braved the harsh winds and Nordic temperatures to come view the wares of these Eastern Lands. There also did these most Royal cousins find themselves joined by Their Cousins Khalek and Branwyn, Khan and Khatun of the Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc along with their Heirs, Prince Maynard and Princess Laidain. Such an occasion was not to be allowed to pass by unnoticed, thus Their Majesties summoned forth their Heirs Prince Gregor and Princess Kiena and convened their court to bear witness to the momentous occasions of the day. (more…)