Announcement from Their Highnesses
Upon the request of Their Highnesses, Tindal and Emerson the following call is put forth:
All Peers of the Kingdom are invited to donate a cup; a cup and a promise. The promise is to “fill the cup” of a newcomer; fill it with knowledge and possibly even liquid refreshment. You are promising to be a starting point and a source of helpful information for each newcomer that receives one of your cups.
These cups will be given out by Their Highnesses beginning the day of Their Coronation and at every event possible thereafter. The more cups They have, the more They will be able to give.
Each cup must include a tag with your full SCA name and title, as well as the name of your local group. If you would like you may also include any of the following, but these are not required:
- contact info (email, text, social media profile, etc)
- places you can be frequently found (I am usually at the Nutley practice; I can be found at Concordia’s dance practice most Thursdays; Look for me at Ruantallan’s virtual A&S night; …)
- your areas of interest within the Society
If you would like to donate one or more cups, please complete this form:
For any questions, please email . Thank you!
Yours in Service,
Olivia Baker
Newcomer Cup Coordinator
Their Royal Highnesses Tindal and Emerson
East Kingdom