BoD Announcement: Update to COVIDSafe Policy
On 25 October 2021, the Board updated its process in the COVIDSafe policy for checking vaccinations and negative test results.
Paragraph seven now reads:
‘The Kingdom must check for proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test at an event. The event organizer may designate multiple people to perform the vaccination/negative COVID test check where each person performing the check is responsible for all people whose last name begins within a specified subset of the alphabet (for example, one person for A-H, one person for I-M, etc.)
The event organizer, or their designee, shall maintain a list of names and times of the person(s) conducting the check at the entrance. A separate list shall be maintained for each alphabet group. Once the entrance is closed at the event, said person(s) will sign a statement at the bottom of the list of names and times, which reads:
“I have monitored the event entrance at the times noted above, and I have verified that each person age 12 and over with last names through _, entering the event during that time to have shown me proper identification, along with either proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of the start of the event.”
The event organizer, or their designee, shall forward the signed statement(s) to the Kingdom Seneschal, or their designee, who shall maintain such records in accordance with the standards for retention of waivers.’
The Full Policy is available here.