Eastern Laurel and Chivalry Meetings on October 14th (Updated)
Her Royal Majesty Matilde will be holding brief meetings with the Order of Chivalry and the Order of the Laurel tomorrow (October 14th) at the Tournament of the Roses in Dragonship Haven. The Chivalry meeting will begin at 10:30 am, followed by the Laurel meeting at 10:45 am.
His Royal Majesty Ivan will be holding brief meetings with the Eastern members of the Order of Chivlary and the Eastern members of the Order of the Laurel tomorrow (October 14th) at Njal Saga in the Barony of Thescorre, Kingdom of Æthelmarc. The Chivalry meeting will be held at 9:15 am, followed by the Laurel meeting at 9:45 am.