From the EK Seneschal: Announcements and Appointments

It is my great joy to announce the appointment of Baron Thomas of Effingham as my successor in the role of Kingdom Seneschal. His appointment is blessed by both the Crown, Heirs, and the Society Seneschal with the transition to occur at Coronation on April 6, 2024.
Thomas, or “Eff” as we affectionately refer to him, has been on the inner circle of the office since Pennsic 51 and has been actively learning the ins and outs of the role. That said, please allow him some grace to settle in firmly once the hand over occurs.
In addition, now that Eff is firmly positioned for transition, I’d like to announce the new Regional Deputies. I apologize for delaying the announcement on these, as I wanted to make sure Eff was included on the decision making process.
Tir Mara – Baroness Leana Doucet will be taking over the role effective immediately. Leana has served her local group as the Baroness since 2019 and will be stepping down at the end of this month. In addition, Her Excellency has served the Kingdom as a Champion and herald. We are glad to have her step up and spread her wings to shepherd Tir Mara going forward.
Central Region – Pomestnik Andreiko Eferiev will be stepping up into the Central Region Deputy role effective immediately. Andreiko comes to the region as a very active participant, holding various offices in both his local group as well as at a Kingdom level. I have every confidence he will settle in to the role with ease and the region will be better for having him.
Southern Region – His Grace, Brennan Dux, will be stepping into the role effective immediately. His knowledge of the Kingdom and specifically local groups in the southern region will allow him to provide support and encouragement as needed.
I want to thank all of the outgoing regional deputies for their service, helping me through my term as Kingdom Seneschal, and being an amazing source of support. They have all allowed me to focus on the Kingdom as a whole by staying engaged with their regions. I know their successors will do the same for Eff.
This won’t be my last missive as Kingdom Seneschal. There are still 63 days to go. I look forward to seeing you all at upcoming events!
In Service,
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal
Announcement URL: https://seneschal.eastkingdom.