Reminder & Request for Topics for Upcoming Seneschal 101 Zoom Session
What: Seneschal 101: a primer for current, deputy, & aspiring branch seneschals, as well as current/deputy/aspiring territorial coronets and other branch officers who want to better understand the policy side of the SCA
When: Sunday, Jan 21st, 3-5 p.m. EST
Where: Kingdom Zoom (link to be provided)
This is a session to cover the basic responsibilities of being a branch seneschal in the East Kingdom. Depending on time and questions, we might have a chance to touch on more advanced/involved areas that seneschals are involved in.
All current branch seneschals and their deputies are highly encouraged to attend, as well as anyone who is thinking about serving as seneschal in the near(ish) future.
If you have questions now, please send them to me at I have a few already; more are always welcome. We’ll also break for Q&A a few times during the session so we can answer questions as they come up.
General agenda topics (a more detailed agenda will be provided closer to the event)
* Local –> Regional –> Kingdom –>
* Skills needed for being an effective seneschal
* Core duties for running a branch — the minimal requirements
Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, OP (she/her)
Operations Deputy, Office of the Kingdom Seneschal