Pennsic 50 – Final Populace Archery Points

All three populace archery shoots have been won by the East and allies!
Here are the results from the last half-day of Populace Shooting and the final totals:
Friday - Aug.11 Total to-date East Middle East Middle Clout - Points 120 269 2590 2314 - Archers 20 32 508 366 Soldier - Points 235 243 3019 2605 - Archers 51 69 688 533 Window - Points 176 140 2143 1980 - Archers 54 33 639 533
A huge THANK YOU to all the marshals and support crew of all types who made archery possible — and fun — at Pennsic!
Populace points provided by Lord Kusunoki Yoshimoto, Captain General of the East.
Photo by Mistress Kirsa Oyutai.
Reported by Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood.