Pennsic 50 Archery – Populace Day 3 and more
Here are some fun shots (as it were) from the Period Shoot held on Sunday:

In a wand shoot the target is a thin strip of wood, and in these modern times a pool noodle often serves the purpose. The qabac or kabak is a mid-east archery challenge, a target on a pole shot from horseback. It is similar to the popinjay shoot, which does not involve horses, and the target usually represents a bird — a popinjay — whose tail feathers must be shot off.
Photos provided by Lady Annie Chaee and Sir Aelric Kyrri of the Outlands and by Lord Broccin MacIvyr.
Don’t forget that tomorrow the ranges will be closed to other shooting while the Archery Champions Teams compete!
Here are Tuesday’s results from the Populace Shooting and the running total:
Tuesday - Aug.8 Total to-date East Middle East Middle Clout - Points 847 878 1386 1435 - Archers 166 122 286 194 Soldier - Points 1168 1049 1949 1520 - Archers 262 208 409 296 Window - Points 628 782 1245 1340 - Archers 186 208 341 347
Populace points provided by Lord Kusunoki Yoshimoto, Captain General of the East.
Reported by Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood.