Pennsic 50 Archery News
The range was set up Monday morning, July 31, and was busy all during “peace week”, with practice, classes and novelty shoots.
The Pennsic Flight Shoot (where archers try for the longest shots) took place early morning on Friday, Aug. 4. I read that the winning shot was estimated at 210 yards. Participants in the Flight Shoot earned bonus points toward the Period Shoot on Sunday.
A shoot-off of Baronial Archery Champions of the Known World took place Saturday afternoon, and was won by Lord Sojourner van Haarlem, champion of the Barony of Carolingia.
The 9th Pennsic Period Shoot was held Sunday Morning, Aug. 5. There were 30 participants this year, all using equipment and wearing garb appropriate to their “period” personae. Even the tests of skill were based on shoots from our period of study. The 4 winners each received a period-style recurve bow, donated by Ali Bow, and other participants received bracers, shooting tabs, and pouches donated by 3Rivers Archery.
- First place: ElskÁ Fjárfelli
- Second place: Paganus Grimlove
- Best Ensemble: Yoshiatsu
- Furthest traveled: Kerttu Katariinantytär Roisko
Results and two photos kindly provided by THL Godzimir the Golden.
The practice/tryouts for the Archery Champions Team were canceled Sunday due to bad weather, but were held Monday, and the archers selected for the team have been announced – the list will be published here tomorrow, as soon as I receive it.
Tryouts photo graciously provided by Mistress Cathain Reiter.
Today was the second day of Populace Archery War Points, and here are the results so far:
Sunday - Aug.6 Monday - Aug.7 Total to-date East Middle East Middle East Middle Clout - Points 148 163 391 394 539 557 - Archers 68 24 52 48 120 72 Soldier - Points 358 256 423 215 781 471 - Archers 69 61 78 27 147 88 Window - Points 212 187 405 371 617 558 - Archers 53 58 102 81 155 139
Populace points provided by Lord Kusunoki Yoshimoto, Captain General of the East.
Reported by Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood.