A reminder/clarification about COVIDSafe checks
Good afternoon, everyone, It’s come to my attention that I’ve generated ambiguity about the requirements of the COVIDSafe check. I am truly sorry about that. I know everyone has been working hard to get this right so that we can again participate in the activities we love. Having what seems like a moving target for compliance helps no one reach that goal. I regret making that task harder and I apologize.
To be clear: the following is NOT a new policy statement, or even a new interpretation of the policy. The Society Seneschal made the parameters for implementing COVIDSafe clear in late fall/early winter 2021. I should have disseminated this information more clearly so that all understood that this is the accepted implementation. Please make sure your officers, marshals, and anyone running a small gathering has this information. I’ve emailed branch seneschals, the MOAS, KEM, and the Deputies of Fence and Armored Combat, to make sure we’re all in the loop together at this time.
Please let me know if I can answer any questions,
In service,
* Everyone attending an in-person gathering of any size needs to show either proof of vaccination or a negative, medically-administered COVID test taken within 72 hours of the in-person gathering. This applies to everyone who’s eligible to be vaccinated. In the US, that’s everyone 5 years old and up. In Tir Mara, this 5 years old+ policy goes into effect March 1st.
* Everyone’s COVID documentation gets checked, every time, no matter how large or small the in-person gathering, no matter if the person checking remembers that the attendee showed their vaccination card last week, and the week before that, etc. Everyone, every time.
* Everyone who checks attendees’ COVID documentation needs to sign the attestation sheet (available on the Kingdom Seneschal website: Gate in a Box – COVID edition (https://seneschal.eastkingdom.org/gate-in-a-box-covid-edition/ ). Folks can sign the attestation sheet at the end of their shift, rather than wait for gate to be closed.
* If you have more than one person checking COVID status PER GATE, then each status check person needs to handle a subdivision of the alphabet, by attendees’ last name (A-H, I-P etc).
* You may have multiple gates, with one status check person per gate. In that case, the one status check person would check everyone who comes through that gate.
* If it makes sense for your smaller gathering, you can have the same person check blue cards/have attendees sign waivers and check COVID status. These do not have to be separate folks.
* Do not combine gate check-in paperwork with the COVIDSafe check: not a column on your usual gate paperwork, not a check mark beside a list of pre-registered attendees, etc. There is to be no physical record that directly links attendee personal information with the fact of the COVIDSafe check.
* It’s fine to have some indicator that the person has been through the COVID checkpoint — site token, ink stamp on the back of the hand, etc. — so that they can go back and forth to their car, etc. * Treat the attestation sheets like waivers, and submit them to the waiver Deputy on the same schedule as you otherwise send waivers in. * Everyone ages 2 years and older wears a CDC/PHS-compliant mask at all times.