King’s & Queens’s Thrown Weapons Championship Tournament 9/4 at Harper’s Retreat
This Saturday, September 4th, is the King’s and Queen’s Thrown Weapons Championship, hosted by Harper’s Retreat, and current Champions Symon of Barnesdale and Thrainn Steinsson. They are happy to present a very challenging head to head tournament that hopefully will be fun for all. The schedule for the tournament is as follows:
The theme of Qualifiers is “If you stick, you score!” Throw axes, knives, and spears! 4 throws of each weapon type at short distance only, following the usual Royal Round rules about score and retrieve and calibrations when changing weapon or distance.
Targets are dice within boxes. Scoring is based on the box you stick in. Note how the highest scoring dice are conveniently not in the middle! The thrower’s score is a sum of all dice struck. Keep track of your points via abacus using the rings and pegs on top of the target or use a standard royal round score sheet.
Throwers may qualify from target set up Friday (after 6:30pm Scadian Time) until dark, and again from 9am Saturday until noon. Throwers may make up to three qualifying attempts (a scratched round counts as an attempt) any time the range is open, no later than an hour before the tournament begins. Preference for throwing a qualifying round will be given to the thrower(s) with fewer qualifying rounds on record.
The top 16 best scores will gain entrance into the first round of the Tournament. In the case of any tie, the last Royal Round averages (Aug 2021) will be used to break the tie.
The tournament will begin at 1pm, or when their Majesties are available and they authorize us to start. The top 16 throwers will face off head to head in seeded pairs to determine the victor. The victor will move on to the next round and the loser will be out of the tournament. The first 3 rounds of the tournament will use similar targets as qualifying but with new objectives and the final 2 contestants will face a 3rd set of objectives.
Come out to the tournament and cheer on your favorite contestant. Help us celebrate the future Thrown Weapons Champions of the East.
P.S. Throwers get those files out and sharpen your weapons!