Known World Colegio de Iberia forges ahead, persevering through the Pandemic
On behalf of the steward team of Colegio de Iberia:
My name is Duquessa Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora and I hail from the peaceful and mercantile Barony of St Florian de la Riviere in the Kingdom of Lochac.
I would like to invite you to the second sponsored by the West Kingdom over the first weekend of June 2021.
This is a weekend of virtual classes on the lives and times of the people who dwelt in the lands which we now call Spain and Portugal. The symposium covers the period from the Muslim Umayyad Conquest, and includes the great Muslim city-states and the four Christian kingdoms (Kingdom of Castile y Leon, Kingdom of Aragon, Kingdom of Navarre and Kingdom of Portugal), ending with death of the Habsburg king Philip II. We also explore some of the worlds who experienced colonisation by these kingdoms.
Please join us! There is no need to pre register.
We have a website which will contain information about classes and our teachers, as well as the schedule. This is getting updated all the time so visit regularly! It is located here:
YouTube Channel
Classes will be recorded where possible and will be uploaded to our YouTube channel:
SCA Iberia Facebook Group
There is a Facebook group that focuses on the culture of the Iberian peninsular called SCA Iberia (Spain and Portugal). Please come and join the community!
Facebook Event
We will be posting more updates about the event here as the event comes closer. Join us here:
The Zoom room details and password will be made available closer to the date and advertised on the facebook event and the website. We will be having a range of breakout rooms depending on the number class tracks required.
We are looking for teachers!
If you are interested in teaching or know someone interested in teaching, please get them to fill out this form:
We are looking for event support!
There are a range of different roles that we will need to make this event as easy and as fun as possible to run. If you would like to assist us in anyway please fill in this form:
Yours in Service,
Event steward team
*Duquessa Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez (West),
*Duquessa Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora (Lochac), and
*Magistra Beatriz Aluares de la Oya (Atlantia)