Update On SCA Membership Status Effective July 1
We are sorry to have to report that as of July 1, 2020, we will no longer be able to leave expired memberships open as if they were current memberships. The corporation has reached a point financially where it needs to resume following normal financial processes, which includes returning to standard membership terms. We fully understand the financial constraints that many people are experiencing and we would love to continue the small way that we were able to assist our members, but we have reached a point where it is necessary to return to standard operations.
If you know someone that can’t afford to reactivate their membership & you would like to help them out, please contact me (renee@sca.org), Theresa (theresa@sca.org) or membership@sca.org and we will be able to assist you in completing the gift purchase. It can be done anonymously, or we’ll be happy to send a note along with the membership card. Please let us know at the time of purchase.
The SCA Board and Corporate Officers are closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation. We will continue to look for financially feasible ways to ease our members’ burdens. Announcements will continue to be sent. You will find them on www.sca.org, on the official SCA Facebook page and if you subscribe to Announcements, you will be notified through that subscription.
We very much appreciate your understanding and assistance that you have offered us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Renee Signorotti
VP/ Corporate Operations