Tyger Pride

June is, in the mundane world, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Asexual (and many other terms, such as Aromantic, SGL, Two Spirit) Pride Month (LGBTQA+). June festivities abound to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots, and to bring awareness of the need for equal opportunity, justice, and liberty for LGBTQ+ people. The Pride Flag, often a rainbow, or versions of it, is used to symbolize the community.
Our Tyger has many stripes. Some of those stripes are rainbows. In the spirit of medieval festivals and celebrations, We would like to invite members of the East Kingdom to celebrate inclusivity, diversity, and opportunity for all tygers – great or small.
We intend to hold a virtual Pride Parade, via photos of those that wish to participate, to show the diversity, pride, and equity of Our great lands. Be your stripes LGBTQA+, or of another group that also strives to be seen, honored, included, seen and/or heard, We want to see you! Please send your photos to Queen@eastkingdom.org subject line Tyger Pride.
We hope that this month’s theme of inclusivity will be one that includes workshops, classes, salons, arts, and other activities that show the East’s commitment to all of her tygers.
Margarita Queen of the East
TRHs Alberic and Tindal Princes of Tir Mara
Tiberius Iulius Rufus Primus Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated to reflect a change in the text by Her Majesty.