A&S Livestream Reading of Hamlet (July 12)
Greetings to the East Kingdom and the Knowne World! We will be livestreaming our performance of Hamlet straight to the East Kingdom’s YouTube channel. This google document is our Theater Program in Progress, with current cast, crew, and recipes.
If you want to help out, please contact me! There are a few speaking roles still to fill. We hope to have musicians for intermission music, as well as possibly some small bits during the play. Mistress Sabine is our Music Director.
This will be a rehearsed reading of the play. Our performers will have their scripts in hand. We will have a narrator to read the stage directions required to make the play understandable. Rather than ask my performers to devote time to creating Elizabethan garb, or having a visual mishmash of medieval clothing from various eras, we will be performing in modern clothing.
We are also collecting some accessible Tudor and Elizabethan era recipe redactions & a few plausible traditional recipes so that our audience can make some snacks or even a full feast if they like. Our recipe wrangler is Edelvrouw Lijsbet de Keukere.
This is an ambitious project. I’m very excited by it, and I hope you will be as well.
-Aífe ingen Chonchobhair in Derthaige
East Kingdom Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrji-IyH1lHYaX8kFPpLIQ
Want to Help? Contact Mistress Aífe @ belovedbright@gmail.com
Have Some Recipes for Us? Contact Edelvrouw Lijsbet de Keukere lijsbet.vandelfthout@gmail.com