Online A&S Activities: Sponsored by the MoAS Office
Greetings- The MoAS Office is working to organize online A&S activities. We have:

- An Online A&S Display– send us photos of your art to post online (e-mail:
- A kingdom wide list of online A&S webinars – let us know if you see a class we should add (e-mail:
- An offer to help you teach an online class – we can help schedule classes, provide a web meeting link, and give advice about teaching online (e-mail:
Please see our updated website for more information.
With so many events being canceled, lets do what we can to keep our SCA A&S community thriving. But- we need your help and participation to make this work. Sign up to teach or display!
Lissa Underhill, EK MoAS, ( )
Elena Hylton, Deputy MoAS
Mariette de Bretange, Education Deputy, MoAS office