In Memoriam: Catalina Beatriz de las Torres
The East Kingdom joins our friends in Markland to mourn the death of Catalina Beatriz de las Torres, who was killed at her home on October 9th.
Catalina was originally from the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn, and was a long time member of House Three Skulls.

“Cat was a bottomless well of affection and joy with just a hint of silly mischief and a second helping of nurturer who could easily use her megawatt smile to boss people twice her age and stature into drinking their water and getting good rest and wearing their sun screen. Even those who wanted to argue knew that she only ever wanted what would keep them healthy and happy,” recalls Duchess Elizabeth von Kulmbach. “It is difficult to say when I met Cat. I just remember carrying water to fighters with her for what has to be over a decade. At first, we bonded over our short stature, our bossiness, and our loyalty to those we served. Her smile across the field to me was brilliant, always, and we understood each other without speaking many words. As time went on, I got married, became Queen, and then a Duchess, a mother, and a Laurel, and her smile for me and reminder that I drink from the water I carried never changed. ‘You drink, too,’ she would tell me, ‘If you fall over, I’m still too small to carry you home.'”
“Now the edge of the Pennsic Battle Field will always seem incomplete. I struggle to remember a time when she wasn’t out there with me, carrying water and tape and snacks to anyone who was in need. I know fighters that never even knew her name will wonder where she has gone, because even those who never had a chance to get into mischief with her, felt the warmth of her affection and will notice that it’s gone. She was a brilliant light and a source of inspiration to me, whether I was a new Lady in the Society or a veteran Lady of the Rose. Her loss will be felt deeply by many.”
Catalina became head waterbearer for Markland starting around Pennsic 38, taking over for Shivati, who recalls “I took water bearing really seriously – so I thought. But Cat combined her amazingly warm and loving personality with her knowledge as a fighter and a dedication to the call to service with our humble profession and was able to bring more provisions to more fighters on the field. She took on roles no one else could or would step up to and her absence will be felt throughout our households and the Kingdom at large.” “She was so specific with it, too,” recalls another friend, “having the right type of tubing for straws, buying bulk Gatorade powder, pickle spears, olives, peeling oranges to separate the wedges (she’d even put it all on toothpicks to fit through helms.).”
“She didn’t care what color tape on your helm,” adds Lady Aedth of MacGregor, “she wanted everyone to stay healthy, and happy, and enjoy our collective hobby.”
“What I would like to convey,” continues Lady Aedth’s remembrance “is how much she is missed, how much this hurts and what foremost in our hearts and minds. She was a great hugger. She enjoyed the joy and warmth of human contact. Working for a merchant at the top of Runestone Hill at Pennsic, she would always come out running to greet friends with a big smile and a hug. She was kind and positive, making time for our Household’s children – encouraging them, and showing endless patience. She loved animals, children, people. She unreservedly she gave of herself, and there are many who are thankful to have been privileged to meet her, talk with her and share some of the joys of her life. Her place at the campfire will be a lonely void, that no one will be able to fill.”
Catalina had recently passed arms within the SCA, Vert, on a fess argent a brown bear statant proper, a chief raguly argent. Friends recall that she chose a bear for her arms because, she said “I am the Mama Bear.”
She loved animals and was a trained wildlife rehabilitator. Many friends recalled her great love for her pet rat, Grenade. She was also a skilled fire dancer, noted for her skill with fire poi and her enjoyment of teaching others the basics of the art. She is also remembered as a talented cook, who made “the best empanadas” and loved to make and share Peruvian foods.
The Gazette wishes to thank Shivati of Markland, Harold the Bear, Lady Violet Hughes, aka Purple, Duchess Elizabeth von Kulmbach, Lady Aedth of MacGregor, and the many posters to the Markland Facebook group whose remembrances of Catalina helped to illuminate her memory.