A Fashion Show at The Market Day at Birka!
Greetings unto the populace of the Great East Kingdom,
Be it known, the Fashion Show held at the Market Day at Birka has again highlighted many creative and talented gentiles of our kingdom, and the fruits of their labors. The fashion show had an enormous number of participants this year, competing in a variety of categories: early period (600-1100), middle period (1100-1450), late period (1450-1600), youth/child, group entry, newcomer, and the Queen’s Challenge of DC Comics & Marvel Superheroes and Villains!

Many competitors participated in multiple categories, indulging Her Royal Majesty Vienna with their creativity and love of comics, while infusing the theme into a particular time period, location or style. Among the most popularly recreated and medievalist infused heroes and villains were Wonder Woman, Captain America and Poison Ivy. Wonder Woman variations appeared throughout our period of study, in Viking, German, Late Period fitted and more. Alas, Her Majesty could name only one challenge winner. Thus did she choose as her Victor, Lorenz the Venetian Joker!!

The children of the kingdom were of great pleasure to all, and caused many a royal squee! Emerging victorious in the youth and child category was Isaac of Concordia of the Snows, appearing as Ronin Hawkeye. The assembled populace was particularly amused and filled with smiles as this category had many entrants who radiated joy and were just plain adorable. Her Majesty Vienna was moved to gift each child competitor with a hand knitted blue tiger kitten, similar to those highly sought after in the Velociraptor running and conquering of the toy box.
Who wouldn’t crack a smile at these competitors?!

Entering the group category, Baron Robert dwe Makminne and Baroness Emma Makilmone strong arm their way onto the runway in eye piercing green and purple as the Hulks constructed in Viking style, and approach the runway complete with Hulk grimace and stomping! Thus, they were named victorious in the group category.
In a flurry of red, white and blue, appearing as Cap-Tang-America, Katerinka Luovicha was named winner of the early period category. Her garb was both pretty and functional, boasting hand stamped fabric with white stars in the center of a circle applied to blue fabric, and red and white stripped bottoms
Capturing the spirit of Dark Phoenix, in a gorgeous red Mongolian outfit including a gold sash embellished with a phoenix, Wladysalw Nyilas emerged at the top of the rankings in the middle period category.
Gliding onto the runway and claiming the winning spot in the late period category, Cathaine Reiter presented as a German inspired rendition of Rouge.
Cap-Tang-America and Dark Phoenix photo by Marian Kirkpatirck
Rouge photo by Cateline La Broderesse
Among other competitors were various villains and superheroes. Although it was not required that a competitor enter the Queen’s Challenge, many chose to fulfill her majesties whim.
Photos by Marian Kirpatrick