Eastern Results from the September 2018 LoAR
The Society College of Arms runs on monthly cycles and letters. Each month, the College processes name and armory submissions from all of the Kingdoms. Final decisions on submissions are made at the monthly meetings of the Pelican Queen of Arms (names) and the Wreath King of Arms (armory). Pelican and Wreath then write up their decisions in a Letter of Acceptances and Return (LoAR). After review and proofreading, LoARs generally are released two months after the meeting where the decisions are made.
An “acceptance” indicates that the item(s) listed are now registered with the Society. A “return” indicates that the item is returned to the submitter for additional work. Most items are registered without comments. Sometimes, the LoAR will address specific issues about the name or armory or will praise the submitter/herald on putting together a very nice historically accurate item.
The following results are from the September 2018 Wreath and Pelican meetings.
EAST acceptances
Maximillian Elgin. Household name Black Sheep House of the North.
The submitter’s previous household name submission, Black Sheep House, was returned on the June 2016 Letter of Acceptances and Returns (R-East) for conflict with the registered Blak Shepe Pursuivant. These names conflicted because the substantive elements were the identical in sound.
The submitter resubmitted as Black Sheep House of the East. Heralds at the Pelican decision meetings found multiple examples of inn names that included place names, including Anker in East Smithfield, the syne of the Angell in Chepe, the Angel Taverne at Tower Hill, the Ship Taverne at Waping Wall, and the Bare Taverne in Greenwich. Further, the addition of of the East changed the substantive element of the household name under NPN3C of SENA, bringing it clear of the registered Blak Shepe Pursuivant.
Unfortunately, adding the phrase of the East created another problem. As stated in NPN3D of SENA, “[n]on-personal names may not unmistakably imply ownership by or affiliation with any name we protect.” NPN3D then includes the following example:
For example, Company of the Blue Shield of Caid as a household name submission from an individual unmistakably implies ownership by the Kingdom of Caid, while Company of the Blue Shield does not.
Because the phrase of the East can refer to the Kingdom of the East as well as the direction, NPN3D precludes the name Black Sheep House of the East.
Fortunately, the submitter permitted a change to Black Sheep House of the North. The phrase of the North is the lingua Anglica form of the attested Middle English del North. We note that Black Sheep House in the North would also be registerable based on the period examples.