Online Class: Introduction to Ladino/Sephardic Song by Sayyida Laila and EKCoP

Period music comes in many shapes and sizes, and not all of it sounds like Gregorian Chant. The music of the Spanish Jews is some of the most passionate, satisfying music of the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Built on Jewish scales and employing a language that combines elements of Spanish and Hebrew, Ladino music taps into the pathos and heartache of the Jewish Diaspora. This class will include a short history of Ladino music, a quick tutorial on Ladino pronunciation, and few pointers about vocal style and ornamentation. In the main body of the class, you will learn 3-5 easy to intermediate Ladino songs. Music will be provided, but the songs will be taught by ear, as they would have been in Medieval Spain. All levels welcome. Be prepared to sing if you would like. Drummers and other instrumentalists are also welcome. Reading music is not required.
Sayyida Laila al-Sanna’ al-Andalusiyya is the former Bard of Caid, and has been teaching voice and music in and out of the SCA for 18 years. Ladino music is her specialty.
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