Tir Mara Thrown Weapons and Archery Championship Results
Photo by: Lady Aesa of the Island – L- R Lord Ulrich, Dame Sarra, HL Barnabus, missing Lord Martin Nutcrusher
(22nd September 2018), “the Tir Mara Archery and Thrown Weapons Championship tournaments were held in the Shire of Avonmore. His Highness and I were regrettably not able to attend. We were following the tournament via text (thank you so much Eginhard and Kirsa!) and proudly announced the Tournament winners in Our Majesties’ court at Bergental Investiture.
We are extremely pleased to announce the new Archery and Thrown Weapons Champions of Tir Mara:
Prince’s Champion of Archery: Dame Sarra Grahame of Burnham
Prince’s Champion of Thrown Weapons: HL Barnabus O’Pheylan
Princess’ Champion of Archery: Lord Ulrich von Spandau
Princess’ Champion of Thrown Weapons: Lord Martin Nutcrusher
Thank you so very much to our outgoing Archery Champions Litt Skeg and Lynne the Sinister and our outgoing Thrown Weapons Champions Eginard d’Aix La Chapelle and Raoul du Dragon Dormant.
Prince Wilhelm & Princess Vienna, Protectors of Tir Mara
Heirs to the Tyger Thrones of the East”