Tournament of Roses
A missive from Her Grace:
Hello everyone!
Now that we are past Pennsic, its time to think about fall events and that means its time for the Roses Tournament! This year we splitting the activities into two events to ensure that the Roses are able to support all of their Champions. Archery and Thrown Weapons will be at Ducal Challenge, September 8th ( and the fencing and heavy weapons will be held the next weekend at Falling Leaves (
Unfortunately we couldn’t accommodate the arts& sciences portion at either event but we were able to add thrown weapons! Believe it or not, there are ALWAYS spots open on many of the Roses’ teams. If you have an interest in participating, please reach out to a Rose! Or just show up to either or both events, we can most certainly find you a home! If you would like to participate and aren’t FB friends with any Roses, please reach out to me and I will help connect you. We are also looking for heralds, marshals and other support staff so please come volunteer to help out. Both of these events are fantastic events and we are very grateful to these marvelous groups for hosting this year!
In Service,
Dutchess Ethel Dreda