Space Scheduling for Pennsic Royal Encampment
Greetings to Easterners attending Pennsic!
I am Baroness Medhbh inghean Ui Cheallaigh, Majordomo for the East’s Royal Encampment this year at Pennsic.
If you have something you’d like to schedule in any of the spaces of the Royal Encampment (Vigil Chapel, Royal Hall, State Kitchen) or in the Battlefield Pavilion, please contact me as soon as possible so we can find a time for you. War Week is particularly busy, so don’t delay!
Please contact me at
If you have something you’d like to schedule in any of the spaces of the Royal Encampment (Vigil Chapel, Royal Hall, State Kitchen) or in the Battlefield Pavilion, please contact me as soon as possible so we can find a time for you. War Week is particularly busy, so don’t delay!
Please contact me at
Thank you!
In Service,