Getting to Know the Royal Puppers
After our introductory post on their Highnesses, it was clear that the populace desperately needed to know more… about Their Highnesses dogs. TRH Vienna and Wilhelm kindly offered to share more info about their pups.
Who are the royal pups? What are their names and nicknames?
Korben Dallas (Golden Retriever). Nickname: Booger
Ripley, Ellen (Black Lab/Terrier mix – we think) Nickname: Demon McBiteyface
They are named after characters from the movies “The Fifth Element” and “Aliens.”
What is Korben’s Gotcha Story?
Korben’s tale begins where our beloved Niki’s ended (Niki was our GSD/Husky mix).

After Niki’s passing, we realized we missed having a dog in house. Working with different rescues and a foster for over eight months, we adopted Fidget, a golden mix from North Carolina. Unfortunately, Fidget had distemper and didn’t survive. We did everything we possibly could to help her, but the virus was too far advanced. From that experience, I started an education campaign about distemper, called “Remembering Miss Fidget.”

I involved the media and petitioned to change laws in the South regarding shelters’ intake and adoption out procedures. Our crusade caught the attention of a Golden Retriever breeder in Connecticut, a friend of my cousin’s. Her litter was due, and she wanted us to have a healthy dog after all we’d been through. We are grateful for her generosity. We’ve been tremendously lucky and made some incredible friendships over the course of this journey.

What is Ripley’s Gotcha Story?
Once Korben was a year old, we realized he really needed a friend. After having gone through hoops with certain rescues, Wilhelm and I decided to give the SPCA of Westchester a shot. They have “puppy adoption” events a few times a year. We lucked out the day we got Ripley; we were #44 in line for 40 puppies. We had Korben with us too; they needed to be sure the animals got along. The SPCA did a fantastic job of vetting each adopter, and matching them with the correct animal (or not, in some cases). Ripley, originally from Georgia and named Silky by her foster, was one of two puppies remaining by the time we were called in. She was so frightened and hid at first. She and Korben got along immediately. I was able to get in touch with Ripley’s foster, and send her pupdates. It’s taken her some time to acclimate, as it typically does with neglected and/or abused animals.

What are each of their favorite hobbies?
Korben: sleeping, playing with piggie, playing in water, getting dirty.
Ripley: Terrorizing Korben, fetch, eating (seriously, she’s a bottomless pit).
Likes and Dislikes?
Korben: He likes pretty much everything and everyone. Even Ripley. He hates having his paws touched. He is afraid of Thunder.
Ripley: Loves to eat, loves to chew. She loves Korben something fierce. She is terrified of the wind and does not like going out in the rain. She is allergic to chicken.

Both dogs love blueberries, carrots, snap peas, watermelon, cheese, lettuce, and homemade sweet potato chips. Everything in moderation though.
What should Easterners know if the pups are at an event?
Despite what they may tell you, they are not starving, orphans, or homeless. Please don’t feed them. They are well fed and cared for. Ripley will not come to you; she is skittish and will likely hide behind me.
Korben will try to go home with you, because you’re his new best friend.
Photos provided by and taken by Princess Vienna. Royal Licking photo by Cateline La Broderesse