Teachers Needed for YouthU and TeenU Tracks at Pennsic
Greetings to the Teachers of the Known World,
We are very excited to announce the return of the YouthU and TeenU tracks of Pennsic University this year.
We are looking for teachers who are interested in teaching classes to 11-13 year olds or to those gentles who are 14-17. These classes will be taught in the Pennsic University tents. Please make sure to include a second, unrelated adult in your planning for all classes. No youth teaching experience or certification is required.
Our youth are looking for a variety of classes, with beginning and intermediate arts classes often requested, hands on activities, classes about certain time periods, and practically anything else SCAdians are interested in. Some classes that had high attendance last year included cheesemaking, illumination, and creating a persona from your favorite anime characters.
If you are willing to teach a class, you have two options. You may contact me at youthu@pennsicwar.org with:
- Class Name:
- Short Description:
- Best for Teens/Youth or Both
- 2-3 Days that are best for you, and morning or afternoon preference.
Or, you may register directly with PennsicU at thing.pennsicuniversity.org, choosing the category of parent/child.
We look forward to offering our youth and teens a full schedule of classes targeted at their age groups and interests.
Thank you,
Leonete D’Angely
YouthU Coordinator