Unofficial Court Report: Owlsherst Country Twelfth Night

Being the Court of Their Majesties Ivan and Matilde held on January 20, A.S. LII (2018) in the Shire of Owlsherst at Owlsherst Country Twelfth Night
Court Heralds: Lady Marian Kirkpatrick, Baroness Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal, Padraig O’Bradaigh, Charlotte Ingen Mhuiraeg
Reporting Heralds: Master Malcolm Bowman and Lady Marian Kirkpatrick
1. Siobhan inghean ui Ghadhra – Award of Arms
(scroll by Mari Clock van Hoorne with words by: Mistress Alys Mackyntoich)
2. Brendon of Silver Rylle – Order of the Gawain
(no scroll)
3. Céline Elisabeth de Meaux – Order of the Silver Rapier
(scroll by Mairi Crawford with words by Eldrich Gaiman)
4. Céline Elisabeth de Meaux – Order of the Silver Wheel
(scroll by Linette de Gallardon and the Owlsherst Co-Operative Scriptorium)

5. Jacques de Villiers Saint Oryen, aka Dorien of Elvenwood – Order of the Silver Rapier
(scroll by Mairi Crawford with words by Eldrich Gaiman)
6. Jacques de Villiers Saint Oryen, aka Dorien of Elvenwood – Award of Arms
(no scroll)
7. Jacques de Villiers Saint Oryen, aka Dorien of Elvenwood – Order of the Silver Wheel
(scroll by Linette de Gallardon and the Owlsherst Co-Operative Scriptorium)
8. Donnchadh Mac Lochlainn – Award of Arms
(no scroll)
9. Conall Ó Suibhne, also called Conall mac Suibhne or Conall mac Taithlich – Order of the Silver Wheel
(scroll by Linette de Gallardon and the Owlsherst Co-Operative Scriptorium)

10. Fabrisse of Owlsherst – Order of the Silver Wheel
(no scroll)
11. Olwen ferch Bleddyn – Order of the Silver Wheel
(no scroll)
12. Olwen ferch Bleddyn – Award of Arms
(no scroll)
13. Marcus D’Orleans – – Order of the Silver Wheel
(no scroll)
14. Svana Vefa – Award of Arms
(no scroll)
15. Dimitrius Alexandros – Award of Arms
(scroll by Mari Clock van Hoorne, with words by Edmund Beneyt)
16. Leonilla Kalista Kievlianina, called Kalista – Order of the Silver Brooch
(no scroll)

17. Esmeria de Rus – Order of the Silver Brooch
(Scroll – Illumination by Triona MacCasky, Caligraphy by Master Johnathan Blaecstan, words by Lady Shoshana Gryffith)
18. Esmeria de Rus – Award of Arms
(no scroll)
19. Orlaithe inn voðfroli – Order of the Silver Brooch
(scroll by Linette de Gallardon and the Owlsherst Co-Operative Scriptorium)
20. Elizabeth mac Neachtan – Order of Silver Brooch
(scroll – Illumination by Triona MacCasky, Caligraphy by Master Johnathan Blaecstan, with words by Mistress Dorigen of the Grey Gate)
21. Pani Magdalena Gdanska – Order of the Golden Lire
(no scroll)
22. Whistler O’Pit – Order of the Golden Mantle
(Scroll – Illumination by Ellesbeth Donofrey, with calligraphy by Jonathan Blaecstan)

Other business:
– Shire Wars Charter was signed
– The Children’s toybox was run
– Mori Matsunomai made a presentation from Owlsherst
– Ivan Valfreker received a backlog scroll, and swore his fealty
– Ruslan Novgorodcev and House Gliepnirvirki made a presentation
– Ruslan Novgorodcev swore fealty to the crown