Unofficial Court Report: Tournament of the Roses

While Tsar Ivan ventured to the Kingdom of Æthelmearc to attend the Njal Saga, Her Majesty, Tsaritsa Matilde, attended the Tournament of the Roses in the Barony of Dragonship Haven on Saturday, October 14, AS 52.
With a heavy heart, her Majesty had to issue the following edict in a morning court:
“Ivan Ivanov syn Dimitriov vynuk Tzardikov and Matilde de Cadenet, Tsar and Tsaritsa of the East Kingdom, issued a Royal Sanction of Exile from the Realm against [legal name redacted], known in the Society as Mord Hrutsson. The sanction will expire at the end of their reign.”
Court was suspended, and the Tournament began.

At the end of the tournament, the team of Duchess Etheldreda emerged victorious.
Her Majesty Matilde reopened her court, and invited Duke Randall of the Dark to attend. He was accompanied by the members of the Chivalry who were present, and read a petition signed by numerous members of the Chivalry of the East, denouncing the actions of Mord Hrutsson.
This unfortunate business completed, Her Majesty wished to bring a more joyous moment to the populace. She invited the children in attendance into court. Eager with anticipation, the kids waited as Tsaritsa Matilde requested Sir Gellyes attend her, and take the toybox for a run to the merriment of all.
Next did Her Majesty invite into court Christine of Serpentius. Though she was not present, Duchess Etheldreda spoke for her, and Christine was Awarded Arms, receiving a scroll by Faolan an Sccreccain.
The Queen next invited into her court any newcomers attending their first, second or third event. They came forth in dribs and drabs, and received tokens and hearty vivants.
Tsaritsa Matilde invited into her court Sara Sala di Peruta. Her Majesty spoke highly of Sara’s service, and invited into the court the companions of the Order of the Silver Crescent. Sara received a medallion, and a scroll by Aesa feilinn Jossursdottir (Feilinn).
After a fine day of fighting, fencing, archery, and arts and sciences, her Majesty thanked the staff for their hard work, and closed court.
Long Live the Tsar! Long Live the Tsaritsa! Long Live the Kingdom of the East!
Malcolm Bowman, Brigantia Principal Herald.
PS – Thank you to Simona bat Leon for assisting with court.