Event Announcement: Artifacts of A Life
Another Pennsic War has come and gone, and now it’s time for the artisans of the East to focus on just one thing: entries for Artifacts of a Life!
Artifacts of a Life III will be held in the Barony Beyond the Mountain (New Britain, CT) on September 30, 2017. Artifacts is a different sort of arts competition: entries must be “themed” – the theme is things that would have been used/owned by a single individual sometime in period. Possibly they are the items that would have been left in a will, or even just the day to day paraphernalia of life. They do not have to be items owned by your persona, but they do have to be linked to one person in one time/place.
There are three categories: Typical, Elite, and Village. The Typical category must include 3 to 5 items from a single culture and time. The Elite category will include 6 to 9 items from a single culture and time. And for the communally ambitious, the Village category will allow you to work with others in a team to collaboratively create 6 to 9 items. To flog the horse, all of the items in an entry must be placed within a uniform time and culture.
And prizes! Did we mention the lovely prizes? As at the first two events, we will be bestowing hand-made wooden chests stuffed with materials to make the fingers of even hardened artisans twitch with avarice.
The event announcement is here. The event website, with information about the rules, and pre-registration is here. Please watch both spaces for updated information, as details about the event itself are always changing.
PLEASE NOTE: Entry in the competition REQUIRES pre-registration with Mistress Elizabeth Vynehorn (vynehorn (at) gmail.com) by September 23, 2017. Please see the contest rules at https://sca-artifactschallenge.blogspot.com/p/contest-rules.html for more information.
If you have not specifically notified her of your intention to compete, we will not be able to accept your entry. This is for the benefit of the contestants. Knowing at least roughly what you plan to enter allows us to recruit the best possible judges to give you the best possible feedback. Without pre-registration we will not have sufficient/appropriate judges.
Judges Needed
If you are available and interested in judging for Artifacts, please let us know. Recruiting judges is by far the most difficult aspect of the event, and if you can assist we would be most grateful. Please contact Mistress Elizabeth or Baron Jehan du Lac via the website or event announcement.
As a thank you to those who give of their time to judge, a hearty and delicious dayboard will be provided to judges at no cost.