Pennsic 46 War Points: Sunday July 6
This year’s Pennsic War is a contest between the Kingdoms of the East, the Middle, and Ealdormere and their allies vs Aethelmearc and Northshield and their allies.
Today five of the 41 war points were decided:
- Unbelted Champions Battle (Melee) – 40 fighters per side, worth one point.
- The East/Middle/Ealdormere alliance won this point.
- Belted Champions Battle (Melee) – 25 fighters per side, worth one point.
- The East/Middle/Ealdormere alliance won this point.
- Heroic Champions Combat – 14 single combats – 4 unbelted and 10 belted per side, worth 1 point.
- The East/Middle/Ealdormere alliance won this point.
- Rapier Champions Battle (Melee)- 20 fighters per side, worth one point.
- The Aethelmearc/Northshield alliance won this point, with the first two passes going to Aethelmearc. The 3rd pass was fought by the East/Middle/Ealdoremere alternates, who won.
- Heroic Rapier Champions (Single Combat) – 15 rapier Champions and 2 Cut and Thrust Champions per side, worth 1 point.
- The East/Middle/Ealdormere alliance won this point with 9 of the 17 bouts.
Total points for the day: 5
Total points for the East/Middle/Ealdormere alliance: 4
Total points for the Aethelmearc and Northshield alliance: 1
Competition for the Populace Archery Shoot and Populace Thrown Weapons Shoot also began this afternoon. These will continue throughout the week, with points determined on Friday.