Pennsic Announcement from Their Highnesses

Greetings to the populace of the Known World from the Royal Highnesses of the kingdoms of Aethelmearc, Ealdormere, East, Middle and Northshield.
We are making a public notice of our intentions for Pennsic War as follows: The mighty kingdoms of Aethelmearc and Northshield shall meet the mighty kingdoms of Ealdormere, East and Middle in a contest of truly epic proportions.
All other kingdoms, non-aligned households and mercenary companies are politely requested to fight with the Aethelmearc-Northshield Alliance in order to ensure the sides are fair and even for all of the battles.
Our number one goal for Pennsic is for everyone to have fun and bring back a little old school Pennsic magic to the many battle scenarios we have planned. We will also be focusing on archery, the arts and sciences, and service, which will all be included in war point battles.
As an added bonus the heavy weapons woods battle will return to the previous location off Zion Church Road.
If you have left the Pennsic family, we are hoping this is the war you choose to return. Rejoin the camaraderie, spirit and fun. We promise this Pennsic will be something special and one for the ages. Come back to Pennsic.