King’s and Queen’s Arts and Sciences Champions
Eager to participate in the Barony of Concordia’s traditional mid-February blizzard, 26 artisans descended on Scotia, New York to show off their diverse talents at King’s and Queen’s Arts and Sciences Championship.

The competition consisted of two phases. In the first phase, 7 teams of 3 judges each spent up to 45 minutes discussing an artisan’s project with them, and then retired to render scores via rubrics and to fill out feedback forms so that artisans could walk away with advice. After the first judging phase, the top 5 (well, in this case, 6!) would go on to an interview phase with Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and the judges. The Queen’s Champion was the winner, and the King chose his Champion from among the field.

The entrants were:
Lord Agapios Cargos
Alexandria Guyon de Champagne
Lady Cassandra Arques
Baroness Charitye Dale
Don Christoffel d’Allaines leComte
Master Donovan Shinniock
Magister Galefridus Peregrinus
Lady Irene von Lassan
Lady Isabella d’Allaines le Comte
Master Jean-Paul Ducasse, Baron of Concordia of the Snows
Lord John Kelton
Lady Judith bas Rabbi Mendel
Baroness Katheryn Fontayne
Lady Katrusha Skomorokh
Lady Lada Monguligin, Vicereinne of Ostgardr
Lady Alys Treeby
Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
Lord Lorenzo Gorla
Lady Mýrún Leifsdóttir
Maestro Orlando di Sforza
Lord Padraig Ó Riain
Lady Raziya bint Rusa
Herrin Rosina von Schaffhausen
Lady Ruadhnait inghean Ruaidhri
Lady Tola knitýr
Lady Yzabel du Perche

We had quite the slew of judges as well:
Mistress Ose Silverhair
Mistress Heather Rose de Gordoun
Mistress Pagan Graeme
Mistress Eleanore MacCarthaigh
Master Erhart von Stuttgart
Mistress Amy Webbe
Lady Kataryn “Kit” Mercer
Mistress Renye Wurm
Baroness Bronwen Rose
Sir Zhigmun Czypsser
Mistress Brunissende Dragonette de Brocéliande
Master Angus Kerr
Duke Kenric aet Essex
Master Philip White
Master Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka
Mistress Angharad verch Rees
Master Fridrikr Tomasson
Asa in Svarta
Mistress Nest verch Tangwistel
Mistress Sylvia du Vey
Mistress Aildreda de Tamworthe
The room was packed full of incredibly diverse art, ranging from focused research on historic combat techniques to an actual working boat. Artisans spent the day talking to judges, to other artisans, and to enthralled members of the populace seeking to enhance their knowledge of period practices.

A full gallery of all entrants and their exhibits can be found here, courtesy of Baroness Cateline la Broderesse.
There was also a Youth Arts and Sciences display! Several young artisans of the kingdom put their work on display, and received an extraordinary response from the populace. So great was the volume of attention that the judging teams assigned to talk to them could not physically get to the table to talk to them – there were so many people clamoring around already!

As the dust settled, 6 artisans emerged as the finalists. They were:
Magister Galefridus Peregrinus
Lady Lada Monguligin
Baroness Katheryn Fontayne
Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste
Lady Tola knitýr
Lady Raziya bint Rusa

The room was cleared, and the six artisans waited by their projects. Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, accompanied by their Champions and a handful of retainers, sat with each artisan. They spoke about their project and enlightened their audience, and then spoke with passion and inspiration about what they would bring to the position of Champion.

After consultation, Their Majesties chose Lady Sofya Gianetta di Trieste as Queen’s Champion of Arts and Sciences and Lady Raziya bint Rusa as the King’s Champion of Arts and Sciences. There was much rejoicing!

Master Magnus and Mistress Elysabeth would like to thank all the entrants for showcasing their amazing talents, and all the judges for their tremendous service.
Photos courtesy of Caitline La Broderesse