East Kingdom Calendar Seeks Sponsors!

You can grab one of twelve chances to help the East Kingdom and send a message to our Kingdom and beyond! The East Kingdom Calendar is again seeking sponsors for each month. Past sponsors have paid tribute to mentors, celebrated household occasions, and expressed their love of the East. Individuals or groups can sponsor a page for $125, and in return they create an up to forty word message for that month as well as receive a free calendar and note cards. Proceeds from this year’s calendar will support both the reign of King Brion and Queen Anna, as well as their heirs.
The calendar was started in 2014 by Mistress Catrin o’r Rhyd For with assistance by Baroness Lucie Lovegood of Ramesgate. Baroness Lucie, who is helming the project this year, described its growth. “People now look forward to seeing the incredible scribal talents showcased in the calendar. The success and the reach of the calendar has grown. This project has reached 12 Kingdoms and been shipped to New Zealand and beyond. We are so thankful to the scribes for sharing their time and talents with the Knowne World.”
This year’s calendar focuses on horoscopes and will be celebrated by a medieval astrological descriptions of great creativity written by Master Christian von Jaueregk. Photographs of the artwork can be seen at the Calendar webpage. The artists and their months are as follows:
January – Aquarius (by Mistress Kayleigh Mac Whyte)
February – Pisces (by Mistress Eloise of Coulter)
March – Aries (by Master Ursion de Gui)
April – Taurus (by Lord Vettorio Antonello)
May – Gemini (by Boyar Aleksei Dmitriev)
June – Cancer (by Lady Christiana Crane)
July – Leo (by Mistress Elizabeth Elenore Lovell and Mistress Eva Woodrose)
August – Virgo (by Mistress Rhonwen glyn Conwy)
September – Libra (by Mistress Agatha Wanderer and Lord Gwillim Kynith)
October – Scorpio (by Mistress Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova)
November – Sagittarius (by THL Katrusha Skomorokha)
December – Capricorn – ( by Lady Lisabetta Medaglia and Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir)
Calendars will be available for pre-order starting on the Day of Their Highnesses Brion & Anna’s Coronation, Saturday, October 1st. They must be purchased in advanc. More information is available at the calendar’s website. For more information on sponsoring a month, contact Baroness Lucie Lovegood of Ramesgate, who expressed her thanks for all the support the project has received over the years. “The calendar started as a trial with the thought that we may be able to help offset some of the expenses that the Crown face in over the course of their service to the Kingdom. There are so many expenses that are not covered by the Royal Travel fund, and this private fundraiser gives the Monarchs the ability to travel to foreign wars, off-set costs of hospitality when their Royal Cousins visit, and help with various needs of the Kingdom. We had no idea it would be as successful as it has been, which is due to the wonderful people of the East.”
The rest of the 2017 East Kingdom Project staff are:
Project Manager: Baroness Lucie Lovegood of Ramesgate
Mistress of Artists: Mistress Catrin o’r Rhyd For
Artist Support: Lady Tola knitýr
Master of Design: Sir Culann mac Cianain
Mistress of Process & Fulfillment: Mistress Aildreda de Tamworthe