Call For Donations To SCA 50 Volunteers
Attention, Talented Artisans of the Society for Creative Anachronism
In the Society for Creative Anachronism, we are a collective of volunteers, each serving in their own way at one point or another so that all may have a chance to play, enjoy, learn and have fun. It is on this mantra that the SCA has gone on for 50 years now, and shall continue to do so.
As we Celebrate 50 Years of the Society, many of our SCA family will be considering attending the SCA 50 Year Celebration Event, June 17th through the 27th of this year and many of them will be giving their time and service to the event, staffing the Gate, serving on the Watch, Marshalling the Lists.
We wish to show appreciation to the Volunteers who give of themselves, from the newest member giving their first hour of service to the Multi-Peer who serves alongside that newest member. The Society works because our Volunteers continue to turn the wheels and drive us forward to fun, adventure, knowledge and my personal favorites, Family and Friendship.
Everyone who volunteers on site during the event will receive a ticket for each hour they serve. These tickets can be dropped into boxes that will labeled with the items you’ve donated: items that our volunteers would proudly use or displayed long after the event is over.
And Artisans, this is where you are most needed. We come seeking donations from the Amazingly Talented populace of the Known World: we are asking you to please consider donating handmade items that people would Buy/Trade/Commission for themselves.
No matter your rank, Laurel or student; professional craftsperson or astonishingly talented amateur: we’re asking all of you to help us recognize the volunteers in service to the Society’s 50th Year Celebration. Please, put forth your beautiful work to be a cherished gift for a Volunteer.
If you’re considering a specialized item (something that must be custom sized or fit, for instance) or you aren’t sure how to submit it to the cause, please contact my Coordinator, THL Justice McArtain, at
All donations can be mailed to His Lordship Justice ahead of the Event or delivered at the SCA 50 Year Celebration Event if you are attending.
To Donate, or if you have any additional questions, simply email the following details to
- SCA Title and Name
- Mundane Name
- Item to be Donated
- To be mailed or delivered at 50 Year
- Mailing Address
- Any additional information / description of your item you wish to include (including pictures of our work if it’s a ‘after raffle’ item.
As a thank you to everyone who contributes, His Lordship Justice will be doing a raffle of his own.
Two artists will be drawn to receive a Gift Card each to get more supplies (or whatever you want to do with the money).
We thank you for your time and hope that you will reach out to offer your talent to support the Volunteers who give of theirs for this once in a lifetime Event.
In Service,
Herr Alexander Adelbrecht von Markelingen
SCA 50 Year Celebration – Volunteer Relations Coordinator
Shared by request of the author. Original post may be found at the Midrealm Gazette