Ædult Swim
The following article appeared in the The Æthelmearc Gazette yesterday and is reposted with their permission. Our thanks to them for sharing this wonderful article.
Lord Christian Goldenlok reports on the epic fighting that took place on February 20-21 in Abhainn Ciach Ghlais.

Photo of fighters and fencers at the AEdult Swim by THLady Ursula of Rouen
Morale has improved significantly! On February 20th, both new and experienced fighters from all over the Knowne World made the journey into the heart of the Kingdom of Æthelmearc. There, all were given the opportunity to jump in and prosecute the joy of singles combat at the first annual Æthelmearc Ædult Swim.
Just how many fighters were at this glorious event? Almost four hundred people were in attendance from twelve kingdoms. These numbers included 75 fencers, over 260 heavy fighters, and 40 distinguished guests representing royalty from all over the Knowne World.
Continue reading this article at the Æthelmearc Gazette!