Unofficial Court Report War of the Roses
Their Royal Majesties King Omega V and Queen Etheldreda IV held Court at The War of the Roses, in the Barony of Concordia of the Snows on May 23. The Gazette thanks Reporting Herald Baron Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen, and additional Court Heralds Lady Maria von Ossenheim, Lord Yehuda ben Moshe, and Master Ryan McWhyte, for providing the following list of business conducted.
1. Goerijs Goriszoon Silver Crescent, scroll by Nest verch Tangwistel
2. Adam de Gallus Maunche, scroll by Jonathan Blaecstan
3. Katrusha Skomoroch Maunche, scroll by Lada Monguligin
4. Celia of Midland Vale Tyger’s Cub i: Edelfuica Diadre c: Nest
5. Gwwendolyn of Midland Vale Tyger’s Cub i: Margaret Twygge c: Nest
6. Newcomers to the SCA Presented with tokens
7. Marjorie de Catesby Court Barony with Grant, scroll by Conrad Connor MacAllyn
8. Marcus Isenax Award of Arms, scroll by Magdalena Lantfarerin
9. Loretta de Siena Presentation
10. The Baroness of Concordia, Lylie of Penhyll Presentation
11. Concordian Brewers Guild Presentation
12. Aislinn Chiabac Court Barony with Grant, scroll by Svea the Shortsighted w: Muirgheall
13. Gwenhwyfar atte Lake Award of Arms, scroll by Henna Sinclair
14. Maria de Moura, also known as Seonaid MacPhie Court Barony with Grant, scroll by Aleksei Dmitriev
15. Bakkar al-Bukhari, called Bruka the Saracen Court Barony with Grant, scroll by Eleanor Catlyng
16. Melisande of the Griffon Wood Laurel, scroll by Vettorio Antonello
17. Nadezhda Voronova or Nadia Laurel, scroll by Altani Khatagidai
NOTE: There are several Court Reports that will come out, most without photographs.